Understanding Mechanical Ventilation With Heat Recovery

If you have seen the acronym MVHR, or heard the term Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery, you may not have realised that this is a system you need to find out more about. It is not only for businesspeople, but for every person who owns or lets a home in the UK. Let us take a look at how it will benefit your home and your family.

Why is a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) System Necessary?

Source: self-build.co.uk

When there is a draught, we are quick to close doors and windows to try and keep the heat inside from dissipating as we try desperately to keep warm. Some people have installed draught-proofing, insulation, or double-glazed windows to achieve warm air in the home.

However, this can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing. Without natural ventilation, your home is not receiving any fresh air. Stale air circulates and accumulates. Moisture is retained from internal sources such as breathing, bathing, and cooking. The moisture cannot escape and instead pools on cold surfaces like windowsills. This leads to condensation which becomes damp and contributes to the proliferation of mould spores. The outcome is poor quality of the air supply in the home.

The UK government has tasked an entity with monitoring indoor air quality (IAQ) and reporting on the situation and remedies needed. For more information, click here.

What Does a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) System Do?

When you have a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) System installed, you instantly solve this moisture dilemma without having to suffer being cold indoors. An MVHR system provides 24/7 ventilation that allows you to breathe in fresh air. Condensation is not given a chance to form, eliminating the dangers of mould and damp. This can also protect your property from structural damage and looking unsightly, as happens when black mould forms on surfaces in the interior of the home.

An MVHR system achieves as much as 91% of indoor heat being retained while providing continuous ventilation. This heat is mixed with the fresh air that the system brings into the home from outside, warming it with the heat that has been extracted.

The Mechanics or Workings of the Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) System

Source: en.wikipedia.org

Kitchens and bathrooms are particularly prone to producing and keeping moisture trapped inside the home. This air is extracted on a continuous basis by the MVHR unit. A heat exchange cell is used to retain the heat only, while the damp air is removed. The heat gathered in this manner is caused to mingle with fresh outdoor air that enters through the living room and bedrooms so that these areas receive fresh air that is simultaneously heated. You can get quotes from BPC Ventilation.

The Health Implications of Not having a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) System

Numerous studies have researched the connection between indoor moisture and mould and its effects on the health of a building’s inhabitants. It can cause respiratory infections, bronchitis, rhinosinusitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and asthma. The last two items can progress to more serious conditions if not treated and the source of the problem removed. Here are the signs and symptoms of mould allergy.

Take care of your family’s health by eliminating sources of mould and damp in the home.