38 Corn Puns and Jokes That Will Make Anyone Laugh

Are you in need of some good humor after a long day? We are all stressed out, and most of us are just tired of making fun of our own misery, and we miss the good old humor. If you want to have some fun, and if you want to laugh at things that can be used in your life, then you should check out this article. It is said that not everyone loves corny puns, but we are here to prove you wrong. You may need some time to get used to them, but once you start enjoying this type of humor, nothing else will ever replace it. Here, we are going to tell you some corn puns and jokes that will make anyone laugh, so you should keep on reading, and try to remember some of these puns and use them later on with your family, friends, and even coworkers.

Source: unspalsh.com

1. When I couldn’t find my way out of the field, I thought I’m lost forever. But I realized that it was actually an a-mazing journey.

2. I saw a gentleman walking down the street with corn in his bag. When it fell out, I tried to get his attention but realized that my tries fell on deaf ears.

3. Do you know why the corn thought he is coming down with a cold? Because his voice was getting a bit husky.

4. How should you call only one piece of a kernel? A unicorn.

5. Do you know which vegetable is considered to be the most mythical one? The unicorn!

6. When I put my money into the corn business, I was terrified. I really thought that my decision was a huge stalk investment.

7. Do you know what was the corn’s reaction when someone said they are beautiful? Aw, shucks.

8. Do you know how much a pirate is willing to invest in one kernel? A buccaneer. If you want to know what else you can buy with a buccaneer, then you should check this to find more puns and some new and neat answers!

9. Do you know why an army and a whole ear of corn are similar? Because both of them have kernels.

10. What is the best way to congratulate a maze for finishing college? Corn-graduations.

11. What should you tell an ear of corn that has gained a bit of weight? You are not fat, you are just a little bit husky.

12. Why didn’t anyone laugh at the joke the maze made? Because it was too corn-y.

13. What is the corniest compliment you can give to someone? Tell them that they are a-maze-ing.

14. What is the one thing that you should never take with you when you are boarding an airplane? Corn! Do you know why? Because it will make your ears pop.

15. When do you need the biggest corn-centration? When you are shucking.

16. What should you eat when you are in self corn-antine? Only one ear of corn per day.

17. What is the proper reaction to having corn every day for lunch? Oh shucks!

18. Do you know why corns are not allowed to go out in the sun? Because they will pop!

Source: unsplash

19. What did the guy corn tell the girl corn when they met in a bar? Do you come ear often?

20. Why was one corn afraid of the other? Because he was stalking her!

21. What is the thing you need to be aware of the most when you are celebrating St. Patrick’s day? Irish Lepre-corns.

22. What is the currency that the maize uses? Cornbread.

23. Do you know why the corn is the best listener when you need someone to talk to? Because they are all ears.

24. What do countrymen do when they don’t have fireworks and they need to celebrate? They put stalkings on the fireplace.

25. What is the best way to address a father corn? Popcorn!

26. Why should you never share secrets when you are walking in the maze? Because the corn has ears!

27. Do you know why the candy corn is so sad? Because it is never going to grow.

28. Why did the corn ignore the phone when it was ringing? Because it was stuck in the can.

29. If you ever share some of these jokes with your friends, and they don’t laugh, you should not dwell. Do you know why? Because not everyone can digest them.

30. Do you know why the little corn was sad? Because popcorn was not there with him.

31. If you ever feel earie in a maze, you should not be surprised. Chances are, you are being stalked.

32. Do you know what is the best gift that the young corn got for their birthday? A corn dog.

33. Do you know what is the best way to make sweet corn? Whisper sweet nonsense in their ear.

34. Do you know why you should never eat a whole ear of corn? Because you’ll end up being corn-stipated.

35. What is the one thing that the milk could never understand? Why the corn was always so cereal when they were hanging out.

36. Do you know why countrymen can never do stand-up? Because their jokes are usually too corny.

37. Do you know which dog loves every corn pun that you are going to tell them? The husky.

38. Do you know which part of the maze is the corniest? The corn-er.

Source: unsplash.com

These are some amazing puns and jokes that you can use in your daily life. Most of them you can easily remember, and some of them may even inspire you to think of some new ones that you can share with others. The best thing about these jokes is that they are suitable for every audience, and you can use them with adults, as well as with your kids. Which one is your favorite one? Don’t forget that these are just some of the hundreds of puns that you can find on the internet, so don’t forget to make your own list of your favorite corny jokes and use them with those around you.